Sepele Tapi....

          Pernah gak sih udah ngelakuin sesuatu dengan penuh effort buat pacar/sahabat/temen/siapapun tapi gak ada feedback atau feedback-nya biasa aja dari dia? Sebenernya ini sepele sih, dan gak semua orang punya pendapat yang sama juga. Ada yang punya pendapat kalo “if you love someone, you’ll do anything for him/her” bakal tetep ngelakuin apa aja sekalipun gak dihargain dengan dalih “namanya juga sayang”. But for my personal opinion, I’m that kind of girl that get pissed so easily with someone that doesn’t respect me in any possible ways. I mean, I’m not living just to please someone’s life, I have many things to do, and if I make time for you, I put so much effort for you, that means you’re freaking lucky cause I’m not doing it with everyone.
                Ngehargain pacar atau orang lain siapa pun itu yang udah give so much effort for you itu gampang kok, mulai dari hal paling sederhana misalnya saying thank you. You might not know how powerful a word “thank you”, tapi I swear after all the things you’ve done, a simple word such as “thank you” means a lot, A LOT.
                So, I’m telling you, please please pretty please, start to respect others by saying “thank you” for everything they have done for you. And I’m also telling you that not everyone is patient enough to get treated so bad by you, you might lose them oneday. Before its happening, go saying “thank you” to them.

*PS, I know this is such a mess, I’m just so pissed with someone


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